Feminine charms in the workplace

More than half of British women admit to flirting in order to get what they want…including a promotion?

More than half of British women admit to flirting in order to get what they want in daily life, according to a recent survey. And around one in five admit to deploying their feminine charms in order to gain preferential treatment at work.

The same survey also revealed a number of other surprising facts, revealing the extent of attraction-based bias in the workplace. Apparently, a majority of both male and female workers (57%) give preferential treatment to good-looking employees. More specifically, nearly 40% of male managers acknowledged having hired someone based on their personal attraction (compared with 26% of women).

Around 2,000 people participated in the survey, which was commissioned by the price comparison website, Confused.com. The poll appears to have been taken as a PR stunt to draw attention to the EU Gender Directive. From 21 December, this will prevent insurers in the EU from pricing premiums based on gender differences.

“So much focus nowadays is placed on how women can be seen as equals in the workplace without gender coming into play,” Sharon Flaherty, of Confused.com, was quoted as saying in the Daily Mail. “But our results show that despite this, many women will turn to their feminine wiles to help themselves get ahead, should the situation call for it,” she explained.

But our neighbours accross the ditch are even better at flirting than their British counterparts. According to this year’s Global Gender Gap Report, New Zealand ranks six in the world for gender equality, 12 places ahead of the UK. When it comes to ‘economic participation and opportunity’ in particular, New Zealand is even further ahead – 18 places.