Province increasing minimum wage in October

Rate will increase by $1 per hour

Province increasing minimum wage in October

Saskatchewan will increase its minimum wage to $15 per hour by Oct. 1, 2024. The increase would complete the incremental increases to the minimum wage that the provincial government announced back in 2022.

That year, the minimum wage was increased from $11.81 to $13, followed by a $1 increase each year following until the minimum wage reached $15.

"Increasing minimum wage is one way we are supporting workers in this province," says Don McMorris, labour relations and workplace safety minister. "Saskatchewan also continues to have among the lowest personal taxes in Canada which makes it a great place to live, work and raise a family."

There were no new taxes or tax increases in this year’s Saskatchewan budget, according to the government. Since 2007, tax reductions have resulted in 112,000 low-income Saskatchewan residents no longer paying provincial income tax.

Also, the minimum wage increase that will take effect in October will reflect a nearly 89 per cent increase from the minimum pay rate of $7.95 per hour in 2007.

Several provinces have announced minimum wage increases this year, particularly in Atlantic Canada.

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