Attracting the very best and brightest young recruits is always high on the agenda for HR professionals but those workers don’t stay wet behind the ears for long – organizations must know how to keep older employees happy too.
“When they are young, job-seekers often don’t realize what a profound difference that pension and other retirement-related benefits make,” says Richard Yerema, managing editor of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project.
“From financial security to emotional well-being, how employers treat their employees in the second-half of their careers is often far more important than what they do in the first half,” he adds.
Now, the 15 companies who are best catering to the over 40s employee market in 2015 has been revealed:
- Agriculture Financial Services Corporation / AFSC
- BC Public Service
- BDC / Business Development Bank of Canada
- Department of Finance Canada
- Desjardins Group / Mouvement des caisses Desjardins
- EllisDon Corporation
- Enbridge Inc.
- HP Advanced Solutions Inc.
- Manitoba Hydro
- Ontario Public Service / OPS
- SaskTel
- TD Bank Group
- Union Gas Limited
- University of Toronto
Each employer is evaluated over eight categories, in terms of whether:
- They offer interesting programs designed to assist older workers
- They actively recruit new workers aged 40 and over
- Their HR policies take into account the unique concerns of older workers
- They offer a pension plan with reasonable employer contributions
- They assist older employees with retirement and succession planning
- They create opportunities for retirees to stay socially connected to former co-workers
- They extend health coverage and similar benefits to employees after retirement
- They offer programs such as mentorship or phased-in retirement
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