As HR professionals find themselves taking on increasingly complex roles within an organization, the time-consuming task of coaching can often take a backseat – but one industry expert says there’s a trick to getting better results on a tight time frame.
“In the book we share these seven core questions,” says Michael Bungay Stanier, author of
the Coaching Habit.
“Two of them – the first and the final ones – make up what we call the coaching bookends,” he continues. “They’re simple ways to start a conversation really quickly and then end it neatly.”
According to Bungay Stanier, it’s key for a coach to start with an engaging question.
“’What’s on your mind’ is great because it accelerates the conversation into immediately talking about the things that matters the most,” he explains – no time wasted.
When it comes to closing the coaching conversation, Bungay Stanier says it’s important to wrap things up properly.
“When you finish the conversation, ask what was most useful or most valuable for them,” advises Bungay Stanier.
“What that does, is it ties the conversation up and it allows people to learn from what they’ve just talked about so that people leave wiser and smarter than when they came into the conversation,” he explains.
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