The internet has long granted us the ability to pass comment on anything we experience and, since it takes very little effort to offer up our opinions, many of us are over-eager to do so.
Whether you’re ‘liking’ a photograph of your friend’s new cat, ‘pinning’ a picture of the perfect dress or ‘sharing’ a video of your kid’s Christmas play – you’re letting your online social group know exactly how you feel about every trivial thing – and it only takes a moment.
So why, when we struggle so hard to get valuable feedback from our employees, aren’t we harnessing this tool in the workplace?
Too often we find out about ongoing problems during exit interviews – “But I could have fixed that!” we yell internally, frustrated that we’re only just getting feedback now.
If we could encourage employees to share information and opinions as readily as they do online, then perhaps we could tackle problems much earlier – before they even become problems at all.
Well, Metis Communications is just one company already catching on to the benefits of instant, online feedback. The company issues quick and easy survey questions on a regular basis – to identify any little problems before they have time to fester.
Here are just some of the things the Metis Communications has asked recently:
- Do you feel that managers listen to you?
- What are you proud of accomplishing last week?
- Did you have an embarrassing haircut as a kid?
Director of content Rebecca Joyner says the polls spark both conversation and action - within two weeks of a survey asking whether employees were happy with their office chairs, a couple of standing desks appeared at the office.
Mobile apps and faster analytics have put sophisticated polling tools within reach of even the smallest companies and managers now expected to use data to make decisions both large and small – from broad corporate strategy to which pizza to order for the office party.
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