'Successful applicants will hone their skills in customer service, problem-solving, leadership and team work'
Toronto is looking to hire 15,000 workers to help deliver the 2022 municipal election.
This year, election day is Oct. 24. Available positions include managing deputy returning officers, ballot officers, tabulator officers and customer service officers.
Open positions include:
“Successful applicants who work the election will hone their skills in customer service, problem-solving, leadership and teamwork, while learning about how to run a fair and accessible election,” says the City. “Best efforts will be made to place applicants in their preferred position at a voting location closest to their identified home address.”
Previously, McDonald’s Canada, Walmart, Wet'n'Wild, Canada’s Wonderland, Lowe's Canada, TD Bank Group and Meta also announced hiring campaigns.
The health and safety of election workers and voters is a top priority during the election, according to the municipality.
“Toronto Elections continues to work closely with public health authorities to follow provincial requirements and implement health and safety guidelines that ensure voting places will be safe for everyone this October.”
More than eight in 10 (84 per cent) hiring managers are experiencing burnout due to the tight job market, according to a previous report.