DHL news

Which Canadian companies are the fastest when hiring?

Which Canadian companies are the fastest when hiring?

Average time to hire for most jobseekers 11 weeks: report

Global 100 – HR 2022

Global 100 – HR 2022

The past couple of years have been revolutionary for HR leaders and their teams. The pandemic changed where and how organizations work and our expectations around work-life balance

Standard Chartered HRD: 'Our goal is to be a disability-confident organisation'

Standard Chartered HRD: 'Our goal is to be a disability-confident organisation'

Do your leaders 'walk the talk' on inclusivity?

Why Gen Z will change the way we work

Why Gen Z will change the way we work

'Strawberry' employees may be what leaders need right now

Almost all Gen Z ‘anxious’ over lack of jobs

Almost all Gen Z ‘anxious’ over lack of jobs

The United Nations celebrated World Youth Skills Day