Apparently, you can wear a word out. Here are the most overused buzzwords of 2013.
Let’s get one thing straight: buzzwords are a good thing. Keywords that have meaning and deliver the message succinctly and clearly are a fantastic tool. Hey, they are essentially the hallmark of language! But you can have too much of a good thing.
As HRM Online readers will know, fluff and meaningless terminology is easy to see through, and will not impress anybody paying attention. Unfortunately, it is also terribly easy to put together something resembling a sentence just using buzzwords that lose all meaning in the process (and I’ll prove it later!).
So, as we prepare for the new year, it might be time to take a red pen to your resume, LinkedIn profile and press releases, and trim down any overused lingo. To help you with that, LinkedIn has compiled the top 10 overused buzzwords of 2013:
But hey, let’s be fair. Through responsible and strategic use of these words, experts can demonstrate their creative approach to positive results. These 10 words can tell someone a lot about how passionate, dynamic, innovative and driven you are in your field.
See what we did there?
Key HR takeaways
When trimming down one’s LinkedIn profile, it takes more than just replacing these overused buzzwords with next year’s list. LinkedIn recommended the following best practices: