I’m chief journalist for HC Online , HRM Online Canada, and also contribute to HR Director Magazine. I joined Key Media in 2013 and have written/write for a number of online publications, including the recently launched Absolute Power. I have a passion for technology and human rights, as well as the broad spectrum of HR and IR topics that I write about daily. In 2012, I graduated from Macquarie University with a BA in Writing, focusing on investigative journalism. During my time as an undergraduate I worked as both a tutor and marker in the University’s game design course. I strive to craft hard-hitting and compelling stories that present an even-handed view on subjects, sparking friendly debate and conversation amongst the HR community.
Detroit police have them and the government have been employing them for years, but how will you cope when the machine revolution comes rolling down your halls?
HR leaders are being urged to draw up guidelines on out of office internet use as new research shows employees continuing to work from home are putting their mental health at risk.
It is undeniable that the late Nelson Mandela was a world-class leader and a savvy politician. What lessons can HR and business leaders learn from him?