Your injury frequency, severity rates and the impact on your workplace
Your injury frequency, severity rates and the impact on your workplace tell you that your health and safety program needs a boost. But do you know where to focus your efforts for maximum impact? Leading indicators will help you identify gaps and get your health and safety program where you want it to be.
"Leading indicators measure the success rate of your current OHS activities and are predictive, giving you the ability to adjust your program and practices to prevent future injuries," says WSPS Warehouse Consultant and Key Account Manager Jennifer MacFarlane. "When used together, lagging and leading indicators give a fuller picture of your overall OHS performance, and show you where you should be investing your time and money."
Lagging vs. leading
Lagging indicators look at what's already happened. They include such statistics as lost time, medical aid, workers compensation claims, near misses, and injury frequency and severity rates. This type of data reflects only the consequence of an unsafe workplace and provides little insight into the root causes.
Leading indicators are forward looking. They focus on measuring steps and processes designed to prevent an injury or loss from happening in the first place. A leading indicator might measure the time taken to close open items identified in a monthly inspection. Or what percentage of workers have received training on a new piece of equipment. "There should be a link between a leading indicator and a reduction of injuries," says Jennifer.
Indicators working together
Jennifer gives examples of how lagging and leading indicators can be used in tandem:
The information you glean from leading indicators can help you determine what corrective actions to take.
Get management onside
"Some additional work and effort is necessary when you use leading indicators, but the ultimate benefits are worth it if you can reduce injuries and loss," says Jennifer. "Make a business case for using leading indicators. This especially works well if the business has high injury frequency and severity rates. Instead of being reactive, be proactive."
How we can help