Bains asks: 'In your view, what’s Canada's value proposition?'
After speaking to leaders and CEOs from a wide range of Canadian and International companies, the Honorable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development knows what attracts business to Canada: our incredibly talented and diverse people.
HRD Canada caught up with Bains, as he explained what HR leaders, entrepreneurs and CEOs can gain from events such as HR Tech Summit Toronto.
"As a Minister responsible for a large industrial portfolio, I travel quite a bit across our great country and abroad,” he explained.
“I talk to all kinds of CEOs, individuals just starting companies, serial entrepreneurs, those ready to scale, CEOs of Canadian firms with an international footprint and CEOs of international firms with a Canadian footprint. My question to all of them is: ‘In your view, what’s Canada’s value proposition?’
“They tell me, without hesitation that it’s out country’s incredible talented and diverse workforce – which couldn’t be more true.
“People really are the centre of Canada’s approach to innovation and economic growth. But those same people are now facing a new kind of work environment, one that’s strongly influenced by automation and disruptive technologies.
“So, in light of an increasingly digital workplace, our government introduced the Innovation and Skills Plan to ensure Canadians are better prepared for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
“A big part of that involves taking advantage of these new technologies, and that’s as true for human resource firms as it is for individual Canadians – as you know, many HR companies are creating entire business models around the digitization of data. And while we examine how to adapt HR systems and organizational processes to this changing world of work, know that our government is firmly behind you.”
To hear more from industry leaders on the tech topics that will shape our nation’s future, book your ticket to HR Tech Summit Toronto.