When federal and provincial workers comp laws conflict, is there a middle path?
Parliament said that it desired a flexible approach to workers’ compensation for federal employees across Canada when it passed the Government Employees Compensation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. G-5 (“GECA”). The Supreme Court of Canada upheld that model of flexibility for workers’ compensation systems on March 28, 2014 in Martin v. Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta et al, 2014 SCC 25 (“Martin”).
Justice Watson of the Court of Appeal of Alberta (Chief Justice Fraser concurring) provided a succinct synopsis of the Martin case:
Martin was ultimately found by a workers’ compensation board adjudicator to suffer from chronic onset stress. However, in the view of the adjudicator, such stress did not meet the test for an “accident” covered by the Alberta workers’ compensation plan. On judicial review, the Court of Queen’s Bench set aside the adjudicator’s decision and returned the question of coverage to the adjudicator for a determination of whether the stress was covered under the GECA, without regard to the test for coverage under Alberta’s workers compensation law and policy.
Prior to Martin, there were two conflicting lines of authority arising out of Canadian appellate courts. Newfoundland and New Brunswick took the view that the GECA established a complete and unified code of eligibility for federal workers’ compensation in all provinces. All federal employees have to be treated the same under this theory. On the other hand, Ontario, Nova Scotia and British Columbia concluded that eligibility for compensation under the GECA is determined in accordance with provincial rules, so that all employees in each province, including federal employees, are treated the same.
In Martin, Court of Appeal of Alberta Justice Watson and Chief Justice Fraser (concurring) adopted the Ontario, Nova Scotia and British Columbia approach. A unanimous panel at the Supreme Court of Canada agreed with Chief Justice Fraser and Justice Watson (Justice McDonald wrote a concurring opinion at the Court of Appeal level).
Both the Court of Appeal of Alberta and the Supreme Court of Canada saw the GECA as a victory for efficient and flexible federalism. Justice Watson of the Court of Appeal of Alberta described the governing Canadian constitutional landscape this way:
Martin v. Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta, 2012 ABCA 248, at para. 42.
Justice Karakatsanis, of the Supreme Court of Canada, picked up on the same theme of “cooperative federalism” in her reasons for decision:
Martin, at para. 52.
Justice Karakatsanis summarized the law that will apply to federal workers’ compensation at the very beginning of her judgment:
Martin, at para. 3. She went on to describe the GECA approach to compensation for federal workers in these words:
Martin, at para. 46.
The Supreme Court of Canada concluded its analysis of the manner in which the GECA is intended to operate with two important points:
The Supreme Court of Canada did not address Martin’s argument that the Alberta definition of “accident” violated the right to equality under section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (mental health injuries treated different from physical health injuries), as there was no proper record (the Court of Appeal of Alberta noted, at paragraph 34 of their decision, that notice of a constitutional challenge under the Judicature Act, RSA 2000, c J-2, s 24 had not been given).
In Martin, the Supreme Court of Canada determined that workers’ compensation rules will be established in Canada on a province by province basis. However, it left for another day the question of whether Alberta rules governing workers’ compensation coverage for mental health injuries are consistent with the Constitution.
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