It's no secret that millennials are increasingly becoming a major demographic in the workforce but the way they work, the tools they use and how they engage with others is completely different from earlier generations – are you ready for them?
"Successful organizations and unions need to understand what millennials expect from management, labour relations and union representation," says Anne Grant, an expert in labour relations and mediation.
"They place great value on a collaborative culture and the ability to communicate freely,” she added. “We need to change the way we think about union-management partnerships and how we engage millennials in those discussions."
The changing face of organized labour
Successful unions are already using social media, big data and other tools to connect with members – the union meeting of the future looks vastly different to what many employees are currently accustomed to.
In order to remain relevant, employers will have to work with their unions to develop strategic practices that stand up on the international stage – what needs to change in your workplace to enable that collaboration?
“We need to understand and nurture talented teams, particularly as the pace of knowledge accelerates and work becomes more specialized,” says Stephanie Noel, business development manager at Queen’s University IRC.
Getting to know the new generation
Anne Grant, who has practised as a full time mediator and conflict resolution professional since 1994, will be exploring the evolution of the workforce and the impact on union-management relations at the Queen's IRC
2015 Workplace in Motion Summit on April 16 in Toronto.
Along with the rise of the millennial, The Workplace in Motion Summit will examine key trends in workplace evolution, including technology, globalization and the knowledge era, with key sessions that explore how these trends will affect the labour relations climate.
For more information on the summit, or to register for the upcoming event, click
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