Global professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has revealed it pays Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff in the UK 12.8% less than what it pays other workers.
The bonus gap is even greater at 35.4%, according to The Independent.
This is entirely because there are more non-BAME staff in higher-paid senior roles and more BAME staff in junior and administrative roles,
PwC said.
“Our priority is to do all we can to retain our junior BAME talent and improve rates of progression to senior management levels,” Kevin Ellis, chairman and senior partner at PwC, said.
The company said that it pays BAME and non-BAME workers the same amount for equivalent roles.
It said that it had published the figures in an effort to “shine the spotlight on ethnicity in the workplace and encourage organisations to take action”.
Beginning April 2018, UK companies with more than 250 employees will be required to publish their gender gap pay figures on their websites.
They must show the mean and median gender pay gap in hourly pay and bonus gap, the proportion of males and females receiving a bonus and the proportion of males and females in each pay quartile.
PwC said its calculations are the same as what the government requires.
“We’re aiming to achieve this through stronger accountability across our business to deliver our gender and ethnicity targets, monitoring our pipelines on a more regular basis and making sure that all of our people can benefit from the most stretching of client engagements,” Ellis said.
“We are also talking to our BAME employees to understand their sense of working at PwC to see if there are any barriers we can address.”
In July, the Chartered Management Institute – a professional management body—in collaboration with the British Academy of Management showed that fewer than one in 10 management jobs in the UK is currently held by BAME employees.
It also showed that only 21 per cent of FTSE 100 leaders publish their current diversity levels and only 54 per cent are seen to be actively championing greater diversity in their companies.
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