Most women fear having children will impact their career. Are you doing enough to make sure it doesn’t?
More than 80% of women fear having a family will slow or halt their career progression. What can you do to better support the parents in your organization?
A new study from UK organization Opportunity Now of more than 14,000 women finds that 81% feel having children will affect their careers, with 72% feeling conflicted about their ability to balance family with career.
“The early results of the survey highlight a conundrum that many women face: they want to work and develop their careers, but they often perceive the sacrifices and pressures as too great,” Kathryn Nawrockyi, director of Opportunity Now, said.
Other key statistics include:
There is also an imbalance in expectations on men and women as parents. Catalyst Canada executive director Alex Johnson noted that she and her husband have three children, but he is rarely asked how he balances work and family while it is a common question for her.
Fathers are much less likely to use parental leave – just one in five fathers in Canada participates in the program – and studies from Europe show that a number of factors influence who takes the most parental leave in heterosexual families including financial impact and social expectations. The good news is that the trend is on the way up. In 2001 just 10% of fathers used parental leave, increasing to 20% by 2006.
On Page Two: What HR can do
What HR can do:
Read more: Women are falling off the career ladder: What can you do?