For every wonderful colleague in the workplace, there is bound to be a rose among the thorns.
The office jerk is someone you can rely on to truly frustrate the living daylights out of you.
However, the sad reality is that you simply have to learn to cope with that person being part of your office fabric.
According to an online article on
Fast Company, here are seven ways to manage an office jerk:
- Stay polite but only provide them with information that is simply vital and cleared by your superiors.
- Screen all information that you issue them with. Never reveal anything that can be used against you.
- If you get angry and want to lay it out at the person, take a few deep breaths, count to 10, or remove yourself from area until you have had the opportunity to calm down and collect your thoughts.
- During meetings and in front of your supervisors, lavish praise on other colleagues for the good work they have done. You have to be sincere about this. In doing this, you strike as a good team player and as being supportive of your colleagues. This may irk your enemy. However, as much as it affects them, complaining will only make them seem small and a poor team player.
- Foster good working relationships with other members of your team and your supervisors. Their support is crucial. It is probable that you are not the only one feeling this way about the office jerk and building strong relationships with others will distract you and even out the negative feelings you have towards the one particular colleague.
- If your enemy gets mad and verbally lashed out, stay calm and in control your emotions. Do whatever is required of you, but do not get muddled up in their emotions. You will come out looking good while your nemesis will look foolish.
- Record any bullying or harassment of them as soon as you can after the incident takes place. Inform your supervisor that you have done this.