Hiring is where it all begins. Getting the right people on board and assembling a great team are key to achieving any organization’s objectives and goals.
Small wonder, then, that companies put so much effort into hiring. The problem is, however, “finding and evaluating the best candidates can be difficult, stressful and time-consuming,” says
Forbes Magazine. “Even with the help of a recruiter, it can still take weeks to get from applicant to successful new employee – and even then, there's no guarantee that person is going to stick around at your company.”
There are established and time-tested practices in hiring employees, but seven members of the Forbes Human Resource Council believe some aspects of the process must be fixed. Better hiring strategies, in turn, can lead to “much better applicants, and therefore, better employees in the long run”. Here are the key areas to change, as identified by the Forbes Human Resources Council:
1. Do away with the resume
“Get rid of resumes. They're old fashioned and don't speak to who the candidate really is. Applicants today want to know if they are going to like the organization and the job. Employers want to know if a candidate is a good cultural fit and if they jibe with how work gets done in the organization. A resume, even a LinkedIn profile, doesn't convey any of that. We need a new vehicle for this.”
Jennifer Marszalek,
Havas Chicago Village
2. Make the process faster
“Once someone applies, try to schedule the first interview within one week. Get decision makers on board early so that when you’re sure you’ve found the right person, you don’t have to wait to make them an offer. The best candidates know they’re in demand and won’t wait around forever.” -
Nicole Smartt,
Star Staffing
3. Forget the 'salary question'
“All companies should update their job applications now to immediately remove any questions regarding previous salary history. Some states have already put restrictions in place banning the question on employer applications. The data has no impact on how well the future employee will do in their new job, and could perpetuate ongoing disparity in pay based on one of the Title VII protected classes.” -
Tana Session,
4. Look at qualifications, not employment status
“Failing to consider anyone who is not a passive candidate for a job search is a disservice to both employers and job seekers. Discrimination based on employment or job search status puts hiring managers and recruiters at a disadvantage by disqualifying numerous qualified and interested candidates, while hurting job seekers who are looking to reenter the workforce or transition careers.” -
John Feldmann,
5. Find a way to identify transferable skills
“I'd make it easier for candidates and employers alike to identify and focus on transferable skills. They are there if you read between the lines on a resume but they are too easily overlooked or missed completely, or people get stuck on out-of-industry experience. Transferable skills and a new perspective can be invaluable for all parties.” -
Catherine Decker,
6. Raise culture-related questions
“Culture plays a huge part in job satisfaction and job match. Add a short answer section that describes the culture and asks the applicant to describe what the culture sounded like to them. Adding this could boost recruiting efforts in some capacity, minimize first-year turnover, help spark ideas to boost productivity and even call out the challenge to hook for the right candidate.” -
Tasha Bell,
Talbert House
7. Gauge skills instantly through a test or sample project
“I would require the application of a candidate's skills as part of the interview process. It is easy to claim you have the necessary skills on paper but it is not always the case when it comes down to applying those skills. Companies can save time and money on recruiting if they require tests or projects from the applicant to demonstrate their skillset.” -
Tiffany Servatius,
Scott's Marketplace
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