This police department followed the “show don’t tell” rule of communication with great results.
What do you picture when you think of West Texas? Desert, some tumbleweed, maybe cowboys? Like many remote parts of Canada, the Midland region of Texas suffers from misconceptions.
Turning around those misconceptions can take a lot of talk – or one short video. That was the goal of a recently released short recruiting video from the region’s police department, sergeant of the personnel recruiting division Alfredo Gimaldo said.
“A lot of people think West Texas and they think desert, old-timey or outdated law enforcement and that’s not the case,” he told HRM. “The thought process [behind the video] was to show the units we have, and that we have a lot of potential and opportunities to move within department.”
The video shows real detectives and officers in uniform and on task in the region, from patrolling and attending community events, to showing them training and collecting evidence, and even showing the tactical response team training and responding to threats. Backed with evocative, fast-paced music, the engaging video ends with a challenge to potential candidates: fulfil your potential.
“We’re had very good feedback so far. We wanted employees to see it first and some said ‘Man, I want to go work there.’ It really captured everything that makes it great to work here,” Grimaldo said.
The video has been out for just a few weeks, but is has already resonated with potential candidates. Instead of describing the department, resources and opportunities at job fairs, Grimaldo can show people the video.
“You can sit and talk to people about what we have to offer, the units, the city, but unless you see it you don’t make a connection,” he said. “It’s basically recruiting on its own."
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