What are the biggest challenges facing workers in a new job, and how can HR make it that much smoother?
There are always challenges to getting a new worker settled and productive, but what are the biggest challenges and how can you work around them?
A new survey from Accountemps has identified the top three challenges for new workers, and HRM has gone to the experts about how to address each one. The survey asked workers and managers to each identify which were the biggest hurdles, with learning processes and procedures, getting to know the team, and fitting into the culture topping the list.
“Many organisations offer training and orientation programs for employees to get up to speed on formal procedures,” Kathryn Bolt, Canadian president of Accountemps said. “However, some cultural norms within a company aren’t as easily apparent.”
Key to success is consistency. Have specific processes in place to ensure every employee knows the basics and understands what’s expected in their first week, month and three months. Include informal socializing opportunities to help them settle into the team, not just the role.