Hitting “reply all” or selecting the wrong name can have dire consequences. How can you manage the situation if it’s happened to you, or one of your employees?
In October 2011, instead of sharing a 3,700 word critique of current employer Google and former employer Amazon, programmer and blogger Steve Yegge shared it with all his contacts – who quickly passed it on. Yegge described it as “what must be the great-granddaddy of all Reply-All screw-ups in tech history.”
Yegge still works for Google, proving that these kinds of errors don’t have to be career-ending. But what can you do if it’s you or one of your staff?
If it’s your mistake
If it’s one of your team
On a final note, if you notice your “send” error promptly, some programs will allow you to recall an email. To find out if this is an option on your system, search the “how to” section of the program.