Forget stacking shelves or waiting tables – take a look some of the stranger listings on student job sites:
- Shirtless male waiter
"The role is simply to provide waiting services and entertain guests,” explains the employer, but there is valuable training offered too…
“We train the guys to ensure they can deal with 'awkward' situations”, the listing explains.
At least the uniform will be cheap…
- Shirtless medical research
It seems a willingness to go topless can oft prove fruitful for the cash-strapped young student. In one ad, twenty young men had the chance to earn grocery vouchers by stripping down and allowing medical students to "examine" them.
- Grape Monitoring
Budding young viticulturists were offered the perfect opportunity and an epic title to boot –"Grape Crop Monitoring Scout".
"This employer seeks a hard-working and motivated student to assist with pest and disease identification in wine grapes," the ad said. "Training will be provided, but familiarity with grape pest and disease is favoured."
- Doggy daycare
Dog day care centre The Barking Lot advertised for someone to run puppy classes, manage accounts and make sure the doggies are playing together nicely. It's just like your normal summer babysitting job - except for a different species.
- Horse videographer
According to the listing, the filming assistant would have to travel to farms and help the camera operator. “This will involve pricking horses' ears, placing their legs in the correct spot and chasing them up," the ad said.
- Professional Short Person
The tongue-in-cheek ad begins: "Do you fit under Hamburglar's book? Are you never allowed to ride the rollercoaster? Do you get job offers to be in the next Willy Wonka movie?"
Yep, one promo company was in the market for a professional short person - applicants needed to fit the height requirements of 5' - 5'2, 4'8 - 5' and 4'1 - 4'5. The most daunting part? - An unspecified costume would be provided.
Did you have an unusual student job? Let us know below.
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