As concerned as HR is with employee retention and turnover, sometimes changing jobs is still the right thing to do. Here are five signs it’s time to move on.
One in five workers intend to change jobs this year – should you be one of them?
The main reason employees give for looking for a new position is dissatisfaction with their pay, but there are lots of good reasons for looking for a new job.
1. Lack of growth and development
If you’re not still learning new things, and there’s no sign of a change in your role soon then it’s time to start looking for the next step. If you stay too long in a stagnant role then it’s hard to transition to something new and get in the habit of learning new things.
In many cases, a lateral move is all you need to expand your knowledge. If the current work environment prevents you from making a change to your role, it’s time to move out.
2. You’re underpaid
Knowing what specific skills and roles are worth is a big part of HR, but what if you’re underpaid? The first thing to do is pitch for a raise, but if that doesn’t work it’s probably time to look for the next step up. If your salary is stuck where it was a couple of years ago, you’re not having a career but just a job.
3. You need a challenge
Boredom is a career killer. What’s more, without a challenging task, it’s hard to outperform yourself on the next round and your career will likely stagnate. It’s time to look for a challenging job.
4. Escape a bad work environment
Every workplace has its cultural quirks, but if your boss or colleagues make coming to work a daily grind, it’s especially difficult. Sometimes there are ways to improve the situation, but if you can’t address the problem with your employer it’s time to seek greener pastures.
5. Time for a career shift
There are lots of areas of expertise in HR and if you want to try something new or your job doesn’t use your strongest skills another organization could be the best place to do that. Especially for those starting out in HR, it’s easy to just grab the first job opportunity to come along. If you can’t transfer within the company, look for a role that fits your skills and passions better.
What’s motivated you to change jobs in the past?
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