A new program will see Windsor-Essex’s potential women leaders identified and assisted with making the step into management within their organizations.
The Positioning Women for Success – Windsor-Essex program aims to find out exactly why women aren’t making it to the top echelons of management.
It will then help to identify women within a handful of local employers that could be leaders, and help them through training to make the next step.
The Windsor Star reports that the Windor-Essex has won a federal grant of $241,000 to fund the project, which involves six local employers so far.
Director of human resources for the County of Essex said the program “makes business sense”. “Why wouldn’t we want to grow our people? If we don’t do it, another employer will do it,” he told the paper.
The organizations involved are Windsor’s Green Shield Canada branch, Essex-Windsor Emergency Services, College Boreal, Windsor Regional Hospital, The Victoria Order of Nurses,
KPMG Windsor and Enwin Utilities.
Women will first be put forward by their organisations, then mentored and coached on building confidence and leadership skills over three months.
The grant money earmarked for the project will be able to fund 100 women over the next 30 months, with each company nominating three to start.
Participants told
The Windsor Star they were interested in assessing their policies to see if they needed to be adjusted or changed.
Others said the outcome and reasons for the problem were likely to be complicated, with a host of reasons from lack of confidence through to not wanting a promotion due to family commitments holding women back.
The grant is thanks to Project Action director and leadership coach Ronna Warsh, who partnered with WindsorEssex to win the money.