But why exactly are more employees looking to jump ship?
Job losses are becoming something of a trend in 2020, with each day seemingly bringing a new wave of redundancies. COVID-19 has changed the face of the global workforce, as roles evolve and transform into something different.
Recruitment may not be as it once was, but people out there are still snooping for new jobs. In that vein, CV-Library has pinpointed the exact time that employees are most likely to apply for a new role.
After analysing data, the job board found that 11am on a Monday is the most popular time to make a job application – however, Wednesday is the day candidates are most likely to view a job listing.
Read more: Is your remote team suffering from app fatigue?
Loosing top talent is something which can derail an organization. It’s incumbent on HR to make employees feel recognized and rewarded – especially during these turbulent times. Having a strong recruitment strategy is a must, as Emma Hunt, head of talent at Looka, told HRD. The best place to start in this digitally-focused world? Social media, of course.
“Social media is great for resourcing,” she explained. “I’m a massive advocate for it, having utilized it a lot over the years. I think in the digital age, where you’ve got everything at your fingertips, there’s no excuse to not have an online presence. Recruiting in this age, you really have to protect your brand.
“When you think about sites such as Glassdoor, you should never just ignore negative reviews – you should address them. If your company is giving a bad candidate experience during the recruitment process, then people are more likely to talk about that online.”
Read more: How technology can save your workforce
So, why does your top talent keep running for the door?
Well, according to a report from Hays, 43% of employees claim a toxic corporate culture is the reason they job hunt - while 92% of workers say they’d consider staying if their boss exercised some more sympathy.