If you think the two are mutually exclusive, think again. Religion can actually teach us a lot about effective management.
Although it may not seem like religion and business go hand-in-hand, religion can teach managers a thing or two about good leadership.
In a recent online on Linkedin, Likeable Local ceo Dave Kerpen and Rock Properties president Andy Cohen said incorporating certain religious components into your HR strategy can improve your business and make you a better leader.
So here’s how:
Share the company’s story
Every religion has rich history, often shared and repeated. So whether the company came from humble beginnings, like drinks company 42 Below did in Geoff Ross’ garage, or was another successful venture by a serial entrepreneur, such as Derek Handly, it’s important staff know this.
Employees working for a company they believe in will be more engaged and produce better results.
Kerpen and Cohen suggest having, “A short, simple version of how your company came into being that can inspire your staff, customers, and investors.”
Incorporate rituals and traditions
Every religion has a ritual or tradition of some sort – as do many companies – although Friday night drinks or cakes on birthdays may be the regular fare. Don’t be scared to try something new, such as "wear your silly hat" or "dress up as your favourite actor" day.
It doesn’t matter how silly it is, it gives your employees a chance to demonstrate their creativity and their personality.
Get your staff together. A conference call, group email or Skype can only do so much. Get your team in the same room, after all the more they know about each other, the better they’ll get on and work together. So start weekly shared lunches or a coffee catch-up.
“These should be regularly scheduled events, tied to the seasons or other events, so they don't get skipped.”
Finally, keep the faith
Religion has lasted as long as it has because people continue to believe. So inspire your team to continue to believe in you.