How can leaders prepare themselves and their teams for the unknown to come?
What a weird start to the year! Albeit, in the context of the last few years being the strangest years of my life – well, to date! It has been a mix of ebbs and flows, such as a long summer that we really enjoyed, lots of seemingly short weeks, ongoing COVID disruptions and a sense of people being perpetually on edge as a result of what we have all gone through since March 2020.
While the economic challenges ahead could feel confronting, its actually nice to be around Boardroom tables or in Executive Team meetings where the focus isn’t about the immediacy of Covid demands but is more focused on, at least, the mid-term planning of what their respective businesses are aiming for. Businesses are responding to, and planning to address organisational dilemmas that have arisen over the last two years, including:
As a result, I see a lot of businesses now looking for the right levers to pull that set them up well for the future. This might be reviewing remuneration (very topical right now in a competitive labour-talent market), investing in employee development, enhancing processes, adjusting structures, swapping out capability, or a myriad of other options.
The concern I am tabling in a number of these meetings is ‘what are they anchoring this to?’. Too often these, (sometimes) effective and meaningful solutions are addressing a symptom but, in my mind, not starting from the root cause. In addition, everyone seems so busy, but is that a ‘prioritised busy’ or just being caught up in the momentum of prolific activity (as a continuation of the last two years)?
As such, the key points of challenge I keep coming back to focus on are Strategy and Tradeoffs:
Given everything we have collectively been through over the last 2 years, and the amount of change we have seen, there are very few businesses where the environments they operate within hasn’t shifted, where stakeholder requirements have not evolved and where competitors aren’t changing (i.e. what they do or actually who they are).
In a shifting environment and in a world of ‘urgent’ and ‘busy’, as a leader, you need to help your team see the way forward and give them the mandate to challenge what is done day to day. This will ensure you can all be collectively aligned around where you are going and what is required to get there.
To maintain differentiation as a leader you need to lead the focus on reaffirming clarity around your strategy and then be relentless around tradeoffs.
by Ken Brophy, a Director of K3 Consulting, APAC Lead Consultant at AlignOrg Solutions and a global leader in organisational design and change.