What impact will tools like ChatGPT have on the leaders and organisations of the future?
The latest significant trend taking the world by storm is the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI). But what affect will tools such as ChatGPT have on the leaders and organisations of the future?
In a video created by HRD in partnership with The Josh Bersin Company, CEO Josh Bersin discusses the role generative AI will play in strategic business planning and how HR leaders can benefit from it.
Watch the full video now: AI’s growing role in HR strategy
It will change the way we do research: ChatGPT is now a massive way to find information on the internet. It can scan thousands and thousands of pages of research in seconds. If you want to design a new program, select a vendor, develop training programs, whatever it may be, ChatGPT is there to help you.
It will change the way we communicate: Writing job descriptions, onboarding guides, and compliance documentation can be done in minutes. Not only will ChatGPT write those documents, but it can also summarise the information into the form of a narrative that is easily digestible.
It will change the way we hire: The neural network behind ChatGPT is the same technology used by skills inference engines. It can determine what skills you have in your company, or what skills you’re looking for in a candidate, or what skills are implicit in a job description. This will transform how we decide who to hire, how we decide who to promote, who has skills adjacencies and who can be easily retrained into a new role.
Watch the full video now: AI’s growing role in HR strategy