While personal information like name and date of birth are commonly shared, some must remain private
Understanding your employee’s medical background is a good idea so you can adjust and accommodate to their needs but ensure you’re up to date with federal privacy policies as well as the privacy policies that apply in your state.
An article by HRD’s Coann Labitoria gives you all the information you need when accessing an employee’s medical records and a breakdown of state policies.
While personal information like name, address and date of birth is commonly shared, some personal information must remain private. Sensitive personal information can include political opinions, religious or spiritual beliefs, trade union membership, criminal record and medical history.
There are 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APP) that protect sensitive personal information. It includes guidelines around transparency, anonymity, collection, dealing, notifying, use, security, access, correction and quality of personal information.
Australian businesses can access an employee’s medical records if they have the express written consent of the employee. An employer can also access limited medical records if they need to determine if the employee is fit to work.
When a breach of an APP happens, the breach is reviewed by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Breakdown of State privacy laws
New South Wales
Western Australia
Northern Territory