A prominent Kiwi politician has spoken out after a major report revealed New Zealand is home to many unscrupulous employers who are regularly taking advantage of vulnerable workers.
“Exploitation of workers has become mainstream in New Zealand,” says New Zealand First Leader and MP for Northland Rt Hon Winston Peters. “This is not back street activity, it is mainstream, particularly in Auckland.”
Peters, who founded New Zealand First in 1993, made the comments after the US State Department released its Trafficking in Persons Report for 2016 – he went on to criticise the current government for its role.
“It was inevitable with over 125,000 people arriving each year, many low skilled, and with virtually no scrutiny. This government is throwing desperate immigrant workers into the hands of some unscrupulous employers and our regulatory bodies can’t cope,” he said.
“As a society we are quick to scream about racism, but do nothing to rescue those being exploited. Shame on this government for joining the global trade in poorer workers,” he added.
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