Manpower minister Josephine Teo highlights the importance of proactively supporting staff to grow and progress
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is focusing on enabling career mobility in Singapore, shared minister Josephine Teo.
Speaking at MOM’s annual workplan seminar, she highlighted programs that aim to enable employees to progress in their careers through their own efforts, supported by employers and the government.
This will especially help employees cope with digital disruption and move forward regardless of which stage of life they are at.
"Most want the opportunity to learn, to grow,” Minister Teo said. “This desire for career mobility is very similar to the desire for social mobility.”
Since we spend much of our adult lives working, she added that it is important to offer rewarding ways for career advancement, even if it involves equipping them with the necessary skillsets to adapt in different roles and/or fields.
“People may find opportunities that have nothing to do with their current jobs, their current employers or their current industries, and how we help them to access these new opportunities will become increasingly prominent,” she said.
This is why MOM will also focus on employers who can proactively adjust their manpower to prepare ahead for oncoming challenges, reported The Straits Times.
In her speech, she highlighted how career mobility affects three groups of workers: