Singapore employees least satisfied with hybrid work globally: report

Survey shows top 3 ways to make workers more satisfied with work arrangement

Singapore employees least satisfied with hybrid work globally: report

Employees in Singapore are the most dissatisfied with their hybrid work arrangements when compared to their global counterparts, according to a new report.

Unispace polled 8,000 employees and 2,700 employers in 13 countries to determine the current state of workplaces across the world.

It found that while 78% of employees in Singapore are satisfied with their current hybrid working arrangement, it falls short of the global average of 87%.

The country also reported the least number of employees who are happy with their current hybrid working arrangement, according to the report.

Source: Unispace's Global Workplace Insights

The proportion of Singaporean employees who are happy with hybrid work is also much less than the employers there who are satisfied with the work arrangement (94%).

According to the findings, Singaporean employees (30%) are among the "least likely to say they feel a strong sense of camaraderie and belonging among employees in the organisation."

They are also the lowest to believe their workforce enables employees to do their best (64%), while employers there are the lowest to agree that they can easily locate and access spaces that they need to get work done (74%).

Employees' workplace expectations

According to Unispace's report, the three things that would make employees happier to spend more time in the office include:

  • Subsidised travel, such as parking or public transportation
  • Flexible starting times
  • Free lunch options in the workplace

Among the things that employees also consider essential in the workplace are:

  • Technology infrastructure, including computers, WiFi, printers
  • Quiet areas for focused work or privacy
  • Adequate lighting, such as access to natural light

In the next five years, employees also said they want to see the following elements in their workplaces:

  • Flexible schedule options, such as compressed workweeks, flex time
  • Tech-enabled workspaces with advanced collaboration tools and smart features
  • Workspaces that foster a collective sense of belonging and identity

Employees' flexible vision on workspaces for the future was released as employers in Singapore have been ordered to start considering employees' formal requests for flexible work arrangements starting in December.

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