Marina Bay Sands is a part of HRD Asia's Top HR Teams 2018

Industry: Hospitality
Area of excellence: Talent management
Being part of an industry that constantly faces talent sourcing challenges, the team at MBS knows that focusing on recruitment alone won’t be enough to remain competitive. Hence, it has been juggling a number of HR programs to cover all bases. From implementing market-based salary and leave schemes and conducting talent-fit assessments, to establishing a robust performance appraisal framework, through to running 360-degree feedback for its numerous people managers and a customised executive leadership development program for its top leaders, it’s all about enabling talent to stay mobile, and helping them to move ‘onward and upward’ during their stay at MBS.
Understanding that the technology must be able to keep up with all talent movement, the team has also prioritised HR automation by rolling out a number of online functions, such as an applicant tracking system, a learning management system, an appraisal tool, online leave applications and filing of letters for annual salary increments and bonuses. Meanwhile, it’s equally important for MBS that every team member remains aligned with the company’s mission and service philosophy, thus making the ‘OneMBS’ cultural transformation journey an ongoing priority for the HR team. This entails sustaining consistent internal communication efforts and relying on a strong team of 140 ‘OneMBS Champions’ who help drive awareness and adoption of the company’s five core values.