PsyAsia International is the top-performing company for Psychometric Assessment in Human Resources Director's HR Service Providers Awards 2018

Winner: PsyAsia International
From online aptitude and personality assessments to HR training, employee screening, psychological assessments and interview services, PsyAsia International has it covered. The company offers premium online training in psychometric testing, leading to international certificates from the British Psychological Society (BPS Level 1 and 2 RQTU). It also offers training and assessment services in Hong Kong and throughout Asia.
Across all services, the focus is on scientific, evidence-based psychology. When asked about its value proposition, PsyAsia’s answer is succinct: “All services are backed by cutting-edge science and delivered by fully registered psychologists”.
An impressive list of client testimonials about a BPS Level 1 and 2 course offered by the company tells the story of why PsyAsia International leads the pack.
“Very useful for the HR professional to increase the overall standard of new hires,” said one HR manager in the hospitality field.
“This is a practical course all managers should attend to ensure hiring the right people for the right position for a longer period of time,” wrote another in financial services.
And finally this review from an operations manager in the construction industry: “This course helped me to review my past interview skills and has provided structured interview skills in order to sharpen my competency.”