Firms can now face a penalty for harassing or firing employees for their hairstyle
The targeting of people based on their hair or hairstyle at work will now be considered racial discrimination in New York City (NYC). The law is believed to be the first of its kind in the US.
Employees who have been harassed, threatened, punished, demoted or fired because of the texture or style of their hair can now file a legal complaint for it.
Employers found in violation of the guidelines can be fined up to US$250,000 and there is no cap on damages. The commission can also force internal policy changes and re-hiring of individuals.
The NYC Commission on Human Rights will release guidelines this week on the new law. It aims to remedy the unfair treatment of African Americans, with specific mentioning of New Yorkers’ rights to the following:
The move was partly prompted by investigations following complaints from workers at two local businesses, The New York Times reported. The new guidelines do not interfere with health and safety reasons for wearing hair up or in a net, as long as the rules apply to everyone.
Is it ever okay to judge a book by its cover? Despite a decrease in bias over the years, research from LinkedIn found out that it still exists in the recruitment industry. To read more, click here: Recruiters reject ‘perfect’ candidate due to bias.