Taiwan allows employees to work beyond retirement age

New legislative amendments seek to ease Taiwan's labour shortages

Taiwan allows employees to work beyond retirement age

Employees across Taiwan are now allowed to continue working beyond the mandatory retirement age under new amendments passed by the Legislative Yuan this week.

The amendments to Taiwan's Labour Standards Act will allow employers to postpone an employee's retirement despite reaching the statutory retirement age of 65, provided both parties agree.

Taiwan's Ministry of Labour said this change will enable employers to encourage healthy older employees to continue working, as well as ensure the rights of those who want to keep working, Focus Taiwan reported.

Wang Cheng-hsu, a legislator from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) who proposed the amendments, said he hoped the changes will help ease Taiwan's labour shortages, Taiwan News reported.

Friendliness for older workers

Meanwhile, Taiwan also amended its Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act to protect employees over the statutory retirement age who are still working.

The changes seek to protect older employees from "disadvantageous working conditions," reported Focus Taiwan.

They also require the government to develop plans at least every three years to promote workplace friendliness for middle-aged and older workers, according to the Taiwan News report.

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