Report reveals dire state of gender gap

The World Economic Forum estimates it will take more than 200 years to narrow the gap at the workplace

Report reveals dire state of gender gap

The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates it will take about 202 years to bring about gender parity in the workplace and 108 years to close the overall gender gap.

Released today (18 December), the report found that 2017 was the first year in more than a decade that the gender gap widened between men and women.

On a positive note, the pay gap had narrowed slightly in 2018 and currently stands at 51%. The number of women in leadership has also improved, standing at 34% globally.

However, data also suggests that proportionately fewer women than men are participating in the workforce. The WEF attributed this to factors such as automation’s disproportionate impact on traditionally female roles, as well as the lack of support for working mothers.