“Great leaders are grateful for their teams, and the best leaders express that gratitude,” wrote entrepreneur and CEO of startup firm, Tinua, Tori Utley at Forbes.
The end of the year is especially critical for entrepreneurs to show their appreciation for all the hard work their team has shown, she said.
For business leaders just starting out this is important to aid in ensuring their team’s dedication and loyalty and for already established companies, studies have shown that gratitude in the workplace can reduce stress and increase productivity and job satisfaction in employees.
Given these benefits, Utley said that regardless of your financial status, there are three “solid ways” leaders can show gratitude towards their team:
1) Send an email
2) Send a direct note
3) Be authentic
Don’t underestimate the value of an authentic and well-crafted email, she said.
“Do not send an email just to send an email – when you hit send, mean every word you write and stand by it,” she added.
After sending a mass email, follow-up with your employees directly in order for them to understand the value and importance they bring to the organisation, she advised.
In addition to these, she said that the bottom line for business leaders this year, young or old, is to “do what you can”.
“If you can afford to thank your team with a lunch outing, a gift or a holiday party, do it. If you can’t, don’t,” she said.
“Either way, make sure the team you’re leading understands their value at your company and make sure they know you are grateful they’re a part of your organisation.”
If you need additional help crafting a thank you party, Utley said to remember to make it fun, make it personal, make recognition timely, and be transparent.
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