Find out how to hire for remote data entry jobs. Discover tips, tools, and strategies to find skilled professionals who match your data entry requirements
Even in the age of AI and automation, there remains a steady demand for remote data entry jobs. Talent in these roles are often the unsung heroes of the workplace. Organizations rely on their sharp eye and expertise to make sure the data used is accurate and up to date.
If you’re looking to hire for remote data entry jobs, this guide is for you. This is especially for HR leaders in these industries with the highest demand for data entry jobs:
Find out what to look for in your potential hires, how to craft the perfect job descriptions, and where to post them. We’ll also talk about onboarding – it's an important part of the employee lifecycle, and we’ll share some best practices in this area.
Yes, data entry jobs are still in demand despite higher use of AI and automation. According to the Data Entry Institute, there were 7% more job postings for data entry roles in the past year.
Even if more companies use AI and automation for data entry, accuracy checks still require a human touch. Data entry specialists now focus on quality control and more complex data entry tasks.
Over 60% of data entry specialists now work remotely.
HR professionals and hiring managers look for specific skills when filling remote data entry jobs. Here are some skills and competencies to highlight:
According to 85% of employers, attention to detail is the most important quality they look for in candidates for data entry jobs. This is an edge that human specialists have over AI tools and automation.
Data entry jobs require a balance between accuracy and speed. These roles often require going through huge volumes of data, so speed is a factor.
A minimum of 60 words per minute is ideal, with expert data entry professionals hitting 80 to 90 words per minute.
A database management system is a tool that allows organizations to enter, store, retrieve, and analyze data. It’s used across industries for different functions – here are some examples:
Industry |
Use |
Healthcare |
Patient records, billing, health data |
e-commerce |
Product catalogs, transactions, customer data |
Logistics |
Routing, tracking, supply chain management |
Hospitality |
Bookings, guest preferences, property information |
Telecommunications |
Call records, customer and billing data |
When hiring for remote entry jobs, you’ll want someone with practical knowledge of the database management system used in your industry. Another point to consider is scale – some systems like Microsoft Access work best for small companies.
Your prospective hire doesn’t have to be an expert in these systems, but having some experience is helpful.
A good grasp of Microsoft Excel and Google sheets is a basic skill required for remote data entry jobs. These are not database management systems per se, but they offer a good starting point for newbie data entry professionals.
Remote data entry jobs require good organizational skills when handling various types of information. Having a systematic way of entering, retrieving, and updating data ensures a smooth workflow. This results in a high degree of accuracy, making sure nothing is missed.
Data entry clerks, especially those who work from home, need to manage their time and workloads well. The ideal candidate is someone who can focus, prioritize, and meet deadlines.
Anyone with work-from-home data entry jobs should have basic troubleshooting skills. They are expected to handle small technical issues that come up without having to rely on IT all the time.
To help equip your data entry teams with basic troubleshooting skills, it might help to organize a training session during onboarding.
To work well within a team, good communication skills are a must.
Data entry positions require the ability to receive and process instructions on tasks, so good comprehension skills are important.
Strong written and verbal communication play a big role in remote data entry jobs as well. The ability to interact with others, relay information, and generate reports lead to a productive and efficient working environment.
To attract top talent for remote data entry jobs, crafting a clear and detailed job description is key. A well-prepared job posting helps set expectations and reaches the right candidates, bringing you closer to finding the perfect fit!
Some points to keep in mind:
When writing the job summary, provide an overview of the role. Share how it fits into the wider organization and what impact the role will have on operations.
Outline key metrics: what targets should the candidate meet? What does success look like in this role?
Clarify the set up. Is this a fully remote or hybrid role? Is this open to candidates within the state or across the country?
State required availability – is this part of the usual Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 pattern?
Do an audit – update and refresh job description yearly or when new tools and processes are introduced
Read our handbook on remote work hiring for more tips and ideas.
There are several job boards that offer remote data entry jobs, whether full time or part time. We’re listing four of these websites here with a short description of their features.
If you'd rather outsource the process of hiring, onboarding, and managing talent, read our guide on top recruitment agencies for remote work.
If you prefer having full control of hiring and onboarding but need help with posting jobs, these platforms can help you:
FlexJobs calls itself the number 1 job site for remote jobs. It was launched in 2007 and is seen as the pioneer in posting remote jobs online.
The FlexJobs portal has search filters such as:
When entering “data entry” under keywords, FlexJobs shows over 12,000 entries for jobs in the US and worldwide.
FlexJobs offers employer membership. For a flat fee, members get unlimited searches and unlimited job postings on the portal.
Also on offer are:
The company also shares reports and research on the state remote and hybrid work. is the sister company of FlexJobs and was launched in 2015. It features a job portal for remote jobs, with basic filters such as job type, career level, education.
The job portal may not as expansive as FlexJobs, but has an advantage. It has a page that looks and feels like a community forum, featuring Q&As covering these topics:
The page also features a gallery of 145 company logos of partners.
Upwork is an online freelancing platform that connects talent with independent businesses worldwide.
Hiring managers can post remote data entry jobs on the Talent Marketplace, then wait for freelancers and contractors to submit proposals.
Upwork’s algorithms help shortlist candidates who are the best fit for the job. Hiring managers have the opportunity to read profiles, portfolios, and reviews before making their choice.
To start posting jobs on Upwork:
You can pay freelancers on an hourly or per-project basis.
Upwork collects fees, depending on which client tier you are at:
Upwork also makes a promise to employers: post a job today, hire tomorrow.
ZipRecruiter claims to be the top-rated hiring site in the US and the number 1 rated job search app on iOS and Android. As of January 2025, the portal showed over 1,000 remote data entry jobs in the US.
Posting jobs is easy and straightforward. Hiring managers can get on the platform for free, with no upfront payments.
You can write job posts using one of ZipRecruiter’s templates. After sending the job posts to over a hundred job boards, ZipRecruiter filters the applications. Those who fit the job description best are invited to apply.
ZipRecruiter's mobile app enables hiring on the go. They also boast an AI job matching technology, helping you find the perfect candidate for your hiring needs.
Read our article on remote work websites for top talent for other options.
Once you’ve found the perfect data entry talent for the job, it’s time to onboard them. This is an important stage in the employee lifecycle. It’s a chance for your organization to make a good first impression on your new hire.
Here are some tips to make sure that your new data entry colleagues are off to a good start:
This means having your new employee:
Joining a new organization can be nerve-wracking for new hires. Doing whatever you can to make the process smooth and efficient for them goes a long way in easing their anxiety.
This makes the new team member feel welcome and at home in their role. Assign a buddy that your new colleague can contact for any questions. Organize virtual meet ups for more relaxed sessions with others in the team.
These wow! moments are experiences that make employees feel valued. Sending your new colleague a welcome pack or getting food delivered to their home count as wow! moments.
These small gestures have lasting effects. Studies show that employees are more likely to feel welcome, productive, and successful in their roles.
Read our article on effective ways to onboard employees remotely for more tips and best practices.
The Data Entry Institute expects to see a higher demand for data entry roles, especially in the healthcare, insurance, and financial services industries. These are areas that deal with huge amounts of sensitive data, requiring the sharp eye and expertise that only human data entry experts can offer.
There’s no question: remote data entry jobs are here to stay. To attract the right talent for your organization, remember to:
Data entry work is evolving with advances brought about by AI and automation. It's a competitive talent market, so make sure that your hiring strategies keep up with the times.
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