Apparently this business was wrong to fire someone who talked dirty at work
How far is too far before the misconduct is explicit enough to fire someone on the spot?
In customer service, diplomacy is everything. So when Iowa store owner Rick Braaksma allegedly overheard cashier Wellma Shafer having a sexually explicit conversation with a customer, he sacked her on the spot.
Naturally, she applied for unemployment benefits, which Braaksma challenged at a public hearing. And the judge said Shafer was entitled to benefits because Braaksma was wrong to fire her.
It all comes down to the type of product Braaksma sold. The casual restaurant and convenience store, called Last Chance Market, sells novelty food items with outrageous names. Shelves feature products called “The Hottest F***ing Nuts” and “Wake the F*** Up” coffee, while other products are so spicy they’re labeled “ass-burning”.
The judge objected to Shafer’s termination in the context of the store’s products, accusing the owner of hypocrisy. However, Braaksma retorted that there was a “time and a place for [dirty words]”. Apparently that time and place includes a sign at the entrance which reads “Shirts and shoes are required, but bras and panties are optional”.
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