The phenomenon that’s seeing companies embrace quirky terms for culture officers, and even establishing ministries of fun
The value of a fun office culture is increasingly being lauded by alternative thinkers in the HR world. We wondered about the best way to incorporate fun on a structural level, so we found some examples to learn from:
bswift This HR technology company went so far as to establish a Fun Committee headed up by Chief Fun Officer Patrick McGarrity, who helps organize activities like massage sessions, employee survival kits during busy periods, and company-wide scavenger hunts. However, the company does admit they must exercise discretion in organizing activities. “The one downside is that these events can take precious time away from pressing projects,” bswift senior writer Jill Steinberg says. “Just be mindful of the amount of time allotted to fun activities.”
Travelers Financing and Leasing Solutions At each branch of this Canadian company, coworkers elect somebody to take on the extra tasks of planning monthly activities to help coworkers connect. They’re given a budget for the activities, but the responsibilities are in addition to their regular job.
Dimension Data America Marketing and communications specialist Jaime Ellis and a colleague split the duties and title of Chief Fun Officer and receive a small budget for quarterly activities like potlucks, tickets to sports games, and take your child to work days.
Admiral Group This British insurance company has a designated Ministry of Fun, whose job it is to orchestrate social activities once a week – although the company’s careers website claims there is some form of entertainment almost every day. On a monthly basis, departments take turn organizing dress-up days for team managers. The Ministry is run by the company’s HR team.