​Lighter side: Dream job – get paid to watch TV

Didn't think you could get paid to sit around and watch TV? Guess again. We know one HR team that’s about to get swamped with applications.

​Lighter side: Dream job – get paid to watch TV
It might sound too good to be true, but the job listing is real. Netflix’ latest job posting is for an Ireland-based “tagger” to watch movies all day.
The role entails analyzing films and TV shows so Netflix can connect the titles to people who would most likely enjoy them.
The company has about 40 taggers employed in the U.S., and this is the first opportunity based internationally with people in Ireland and the UK having the opportunity to apply.
Applicants need a degree or background in film and TV and hiring managers will be looking for someone with a strong, analytical mind.
A Netflix spokesperson said the job description of a tagger is widely varied but that applicants must at least be passionate about film and television.
"It's a little bit of art, it's a little bit of science and is so super accurate that it sometimes feels like we're reading minds or tea-leaves," the representative said.