New research from the Australian has outlined which industries are working the most overtime – and where in the corporate ladder a worker is most likely to put in extreme hours.
According to the Bureau of Statistics, Australians are working more than the official statistic that claims people in full-time jobs spend 38 hours in the office each week.
However, the first detailed survey around working hours has found that a number of workers are clocking up more than the official number.
The survey found that the mining industry had the most workers putting in over 70 hours a week, with 40,000 mining workers falling into that category.
Those in the agriculture, tourism and transport industries were also shown to have worked very long hours.
At the opposite end of the scale were finance industry workers and public servants, with 4,900 and 4,200 workers putting in the extremely long hours respectively.
That isn’t to say that those workers put in no overtime: the survey found that over a third of public servants worked more than 40 hours per week.
It was also found that extreme overtime was linked to gender; while 270,000 men worked more than 70 hours per week, 42,600 women did the same.
Another significant find was that senior members of staff were more likely to have worked long hours.
It was found that 82,000 managers put in more than 70 hours per week – more than any other group.
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